If you cancel, the reservation information you have entered will be lost and you will have to start a new reservation.
If you cancel, the reservation information you have entered will be lost and you will have to start a new reservation.
Are you sure you want to cancel?
Confirm {guest_name} spa reservation.
Reservations cannot be booked within 2.5 hours before or 1 hour after existing reservations.
A 100% cancellation will be incurred for any treatment, spa program or private wellness session(s) that are not cancelled a minimum of twenty-four hours prior to appointment time.
Discover curated experiences designed to ensure each moment ashore is uniquely rewarding. No matter which you choose, each excursion has been created to provide an exceptional travel experience. For those who prefer the freedom and flexibility of independent travel, the Concierge Ashore can transform tours into a private experience or craft an entire bespoke event just for you.