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Submitted by jennifer.shraim on

Discover curated experiences designed to ensure each moment ashore is uniquely rewarding. No matter which you choose, each excursion has been created to provide an exceptional travel experience. For those who prefer the freedom and flexibility of independent travel, the Concierge Ashore can transform tours into a private experience or craft an entire bespoke event just for you. 


Submitted by jennifer.shraim on

Known as the ‘Gateway to Jerusalem’, Ashdod dates back to the 17th century BC, and over the years the Philistines, Romans and Ottoman Turks have all called it home. Step ashore and discover the world’s only Museum of Philistine Culture, or take a stroll up Giv'at Yona hill, which is said to house the tomb of Jonah. Alternatively, head inland to explore the spiritually-magnetic city of Jerusalem.

Ashdod, Israel

Submitted by jennifer.shraim on

Known as the ‘Gateway to Jerusalem’, Ashdod dates back to the 17th century BC, and over the years the Philistines, Romans and Ottoman Turks have all called it home. Step ashore and discover the world’s only Museum of Philistine Culture, or take a stroll up Giv'at Yona hill, which is said to house the tomb of Jonah. Alternatively, head inland to explore the spiritually-magnetic city of Jerusalem.