It was English poet Lord Byron who famously described the great walled city of Dubrovnik as “the pearl of the Adriatic” and George Bernard Shaw stated that “Those that seek paradise on earth should seek it in Dubrovnik.” Red tiled roofs and a backdrop of green hills contrast sharply with the spectacular blue of the Adriatic. Thick medieval walls wrap around beautiful Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque churches, monasteries, palaces and fountains. This UNESCO World Heritage site played a central role in the TV show Game of Thrones. No matter how many times you’ve been to Dubrovnik, you can’t help being inspired by the ancient ramparts that survived sieges by countless invaders for centuries and still stand proudly today.
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Dubrovnik, Croatia
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A medieval fort on top of a cliff overlooking the sea with the orange-roofed buildings of Dubrovnik, Croatia, in the background.
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A medieval fort on top of a cliff overlooking the sea with the orange-roofed buildings of Dubrovnik, Croatia, in the background.
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