E-Sea Rider and Underwater Sculpture Park Snorkeling

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

You’re in the pilot’s seat on this fun, guided exploration of the coastline in and around St. George's that includes snorkeling at one of Grenada’s best spots. The E-Sea Rider is a powerful yet easy-to-operate inflatable vessel that accommodates two, one sitting behind the other. Setting off from the dock, enjoy the lovely views of the Carenage, St. Georges’ scenic harbor. Your guide will signal when you can kick up the speed for a thrilling ride across the open waters of St. Georges Bay and Grand Mal Bay. Switch gears at the Molinere Beauséjour Marine Protected Area, where a group of sculptures, set at a variety of depths, have created an artificial reef. As you snorkel above, you’ll see a variety of marine life that have taken shelter amid the sculptures, whose appearance has been influenced and shaped by the waves, currents and sands since they were first placed here in 2006. The ride back to St. George's is the perfect opportunity to switch drivers so everyone has a chance at the helm.

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Shore Excursion

Snorkel at one of Grenada’s best spots, accessed by E-Sea Rider.