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Submitted by jennifer.shraim on

Discover curated experiences designed to ensure each moment ashore is uniquely rewarding. No matter which you choose, each excursion has been created to provide an exceptional travel experience. For those who prefer the freedom and flexibility of independent travel, the Concierge Ashore can transform tours into a private experience or craft an entire bespoke event just for you. 


Submitted by jennifer.shraim on

Beautiful and bold, Istanbul stands astride the continents of Europe and Asia. Start your day with a silky Turkish coffee before making your way to the Byzantine basilica of Haghia Sophia. With its gold mosaics and awe-inspiring dome, this is one of the world’s most beautiful buildings. Follow this with a visit to the Blue Mosque, the grand project of Sultan Ahmet I, and a tour of the harem at the opulent Topkapi Palace. In the afternoon, take a boat trip between Europe and Asia or practice your haggling skills at the colorful Grand Bazaar.

Istanbul, Turkey

Submitted by jennifer.shraim on

Beautiful and bold, Istanbul stands astride the continents of Europe and Asia. Start your day with a silky Turkish coffee before making your way to the Byzantine basilica of Haghia Sophia. With its gold mosaics and awe-inspiring dome, this is one of the world’s most beautiful buildings. Follow this with a visit to the Blue Mosque, the grand project of Sultan Ahmet I, and a tour of the harem at the opulent Topkapi Palace. In the afternoon, take a boat trip between Europe and Asia or practice your haggling skills at the colorful Grand Bazaar.