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Submitted by john.baumstark on

One of the most geographically distinctive and culturally rich islands in the Cyclades, Milos is a volcanic island of beautiful beaches, thermal springs and unusual rock formations. Adámantas, the island’s pretty port and nightlife hub, is sheltered inside the volcano’s former caldera. Plaka, the nearby capital, overlooks the entrance to the Gulf of Milos.  This charming hilltop town is home to Plaka Castle with views of the entire island as well as an acclaimed archaeological museum, which features a replica of the island’s most famous find: the Venus of Milo.

Milos, Greece

Submitted by carmine.nezi on

One of the most geographically distinctive and culturally rich islands in the Cyclades, Milos is a volcanic island of beautiful beaches, thermal springs and unusual rock formations. Adámantas, the island’s pretty port and nightlife hub, is sheltered inside the volcano’s former caldera. Plaka, the nearby capital, overlooks the entrance to the Gulf of Milos.  This charming hilltop town is home to Plaka Castle with views of the entire island as well as an acclaimed archaeological museum, which features a replica of the island’s most famous find: the Venus of Milo.